An Important Kurdish Leader In Turkey Apologizes To Arameans

An important Kurdish Leader in Turkey apologizes for the contribution of the Kurds to the Aramean Genocide of 1915- Appeal to Ahmet Turk.

Ahmet Turk is the Leader of the Kurdish Party For Democratic Society (Demokratik Toplum Partisi= DTP) in Turkey. During his trip on 30-12-2008 in South-Eastern of Turkey through the province of Mardin, Mr. Turk visited along with other party leaders various historical and tourist places.

Amongst others, he visited the Aramean Cultural Association in Midyat and the Aramean monastery St. Gabriel. During his conversation with the Arameans of Tur Abdin Ahmet Turk apologized for the contribution of the Kurds to the Aramean genocide of 1915, as has been published on the Turkish Websites of,, see below).

Although Ahmet Turk did not mention the word ‘Genocide’, yet his statement is a important step in the right direction in a country where such statements are taboo.

Mr. Turk said, “Because of the sorrow of the heartrending events, we feel necessary to apologize”

Please find below the articles published on the website of and, with the right column the original Turkish text and left column the English translation.

In Turkey there are around 20.000 Arameans of which major part is living in Istanbul. In Tur Abdin there are but around 2.000 Arameans. In the Turkey the Arameans are known as “Suryani”. The English translation sounds like “Syrian”, which is a synonymy for Aramean.

During the genocide of 1915 beside Armenians, around 600.000 Arameans were killed ( More about this horrible genocide:

The recognition of the Aramean physical genocide by a prominent Kurdish leader is a step in the right direction. Hopefully more Kurds will follow his example and finally also the Turks will do this. However, with that there is no end to the matter.

Contrary to the Armenians and Greeks, the Arameans also have suffered the horrible spiritual genocide. This spiritual genocide is the extermination of the Aramean cultural heritage by the Western missionaries and diplomats in the 16th and 19th century whereby the Arameans were exposed to fanaticism, nationalism and fake identities.

In the 16th century the Catholics along with France brainwashed by means of blackmail and bribery a part of the East- Aramean Nestorians to call themselves “Chaldeans” and as a result of that in 1553 the “Chaldean Church of Babylon” was established.

As a counter maneuver, the same game was repeated in the 19th century, this time by the Anglican mission along with the British diplomats and brainwashed the remaining part of the East- Aramean Nestorians to call themselves henceforth “Assyrians”.

In this way through the zealous efforts of the Roman Catholic Church and Anglican Mission, in the name of ‘Jesus’; an unprecedented nationalism mixed with religion was implemented with terrible consequences for the part of our nation.

A cultural genocide was carried out against our nation. And this genocide is today shameless and criminally is being continued (More about this: )

The hypocrisy and viciousness with many Western “genocide experts” is that they refuse to point at delicate matters where the West is concerned, namely the fact that the spiritual genocide has reinforced the physical genocide.

The reason for this refusal and hesitation to acknowledge their deliberate machinations could be a significant indication that there is more going on than de killings of Arameans by the Turks and Kurds.

Most probably the Western powers have, through the mediation of their proxies and diverse secret society and implacable international networks, participated in this abominable genocide, not to say orchestrated.

How do they act regarding these heinous machinations? To present themselves as “the good ones”, “the civilized ones” and to put their “goodness and morality” in the spotlight, they ran the Turks into the ground and portray them as the most evil and barbaric nation.

We believe that this is rather a schame-cover for their own crimes than bringing the unimaginable sorrow which the Aramean and other Christians have suffered under the Ottoman Empire under the attention of the world.

As though this is not immoral and objectionable enough, these racist and horrible bandits continue with all happiness to designate our nation as “Assyrians”, as if their forefathers have done a good and a holy job with the spiritual cultural extermination of our nation.

As Arameans we have a long path to go. With the recognition of the Aramean Physical genocide, the matter is certainly not finished.

On the contrary, the recognition of Aramean spiritual genocide is even more important, because the diffused Western hatred and division, which is still being continued, finally will result in the complete extermination of the Aramean nation. Today, we see this very clearly in Iraq.

And the traitors among us, seem along with some of their western spiritual creators and criminals, to achieve this very soon.

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Author at Huliq.

Written By James Huliq

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